Peripheral Neuropathy

Lubbock Integrated Medical Institute treats peripheral neuropathy with non-invasive therapies

If you’re suffering from peripheral neuropathy, a condition of the nervous system that affects about twenty million Americans, Dr. Steve and his team of healthcare professionals are here to help. This condition can be difficult to treat because the causes are varied and often difficult to determine.

Common Causes

  • Poor diet
  • Alcoholism
  • Reaction to drugs
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Illnesses

Relevant Symptoms

  • Tingling feet
  • Tingling arms
  • Numbness
  • Pain
  • Burning

Would you like to learn more about how neuropathy patients benefit from Tesla-Based Technology™ in the TeslaMax?

Is TeslaMax® Technology Your Answer for Peripheral Neuropathy?

The TeslaMax is a neurostimulation device that is unlike any other technology currently on the market. It uses a proprietary form of alternating current (AC) to stimulate deep, painless muscle contractions in neuropathy-affected areas such as the feet and legs. These powerful muscle contractions dramatically increase local circulation and move out fluid build-up—both of which greatly accelerate the body’s natural ability to repair the nerve damage that causes neuropathy.

The TeslaMax uses Tesla-Based Technology™ to penetrate even the deepest muscle fibers for an experience that is unlike anything patients have tried before.

How will this drug-free, non-invasive, safe and painless treatment help you?

  1. At the start of each TeslaMax treatment session, the patient will place electrodes on their feet and legs, according to physician instructions. The most common electrode placement is on the bottom of the feet and on the muscle of the outer shin.

  2. During treatment, electrical currents will travel back and forth between the two electrodes, causing the muscles of the feet and lower legs to contract and relax in intervals.

  3. Painless muscle contractions push blood into tissues and move fluid build-up out. This increases blood flow and reduces swelling.

  4. Treatments are performed once or twice daily and usually last 30 to 45 minutes.

Sign Up for this Breakthrough Technology for the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy!

Improved Local Circulation

The strong muscle contractions created by the TeslaMax increase blood flow to treated areas, providing damaged nerves with the oxygen and glucose they so badly need by squeezing against nearby arteries and veins.

Nerve Stimulation

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation has shown promise in aiding nerve repair after nerve injury and has also been shown to help with neuropathy pain by blocking pain signals to the brain and triggering the release of pain-inhibiting neurotransmitters.

Improved Lymphatic Drainage

When lymph backs up in an area of the body, it can damage nerves. Tesla-Based Technology gets lymph moving again with ultra deep yet totally comfortable muscle contractions.

TeslaMax® Technology: The Answer for Peripheral Neuropathy

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