In order to heal the numbness, burning, and tingling discomfort that may be brought on by Peripheral Neuropathy or Nerve Damage, we provide a special and cutting-edge method. We have assisted a great number of patients in quickly alleviating their symptoms and returning to their regular lives.

You Can Treat Your Peripheral Neuropathy, It’s Possible!

What’s the Cause of Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy refers to the many conditions that involve damage to the peripheral nervous system, the vast communication network that sends signals between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and all other parts of the body.

We also prioritize conservative, holistic solutions that require the least amount of intervention. Your acute (short-term), chronic (long-term), and neuropathic aches are successfully treated by our treatment for neuropathy in the legs and feet. We at Lubbock Integrated Medical Institute are concerned for you as well. We’ll support you in taking care of your body by providing education, upkeep, exercise, a healthy diet, and weight loss.

Our doctors and team will make sure to go over your full medical history, thoroughly evaluate you, accurately diagnose you, go through the reasons for your neuropathy, and treat you using the most cutting-edge technology for treating neuropathy in the hand, legs, and feet now available.

Our Neuropathy Therapy increases the circulation in our extremities to further stimulate nerve regeneration by simulating nerve signals. Our qualified practitioners will thoroughly analyze your whole medical history during your initial appointment in order to make the most accurate diagnosis and recommend the best course of action for you.

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Neuropathy Nerve Pain Relief Options

NeuroMed Neuropathy Therapy

One of the most effective  treatments we offers is Electroanalgesia (EA). This revolutionary pain management system by NeuroMed delivers precise dosages of electrical stimulation to peripheral nerves (the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to limbs and organs).

Due to lowered skin resistance, this electrical energy is delivered deeper into the patient’s tissue. Rather than stimulate the nerves, higher frequencies reduce the ability of the affected nerves to transmit pain signals and, at the same time, promote healing. It’s like a block with electricity instead of an injection (such as an epidural). With the correct dosage and electrodes, Electroanalgesia can safely and effectively decrease pain intensity, providing patients with an improved quality of life.

NeuroMed Electroanalgesia Delivery System is an FDA cleared medical device that has clinical indication of use to stimulate peripheral nerves for the purpose of providing pain relief; and provide symptomatic relief of chronic long-term intractable pain.

Cold Laser Therapy for Neuropathy

Cold Laser Therapy helps by actually stimulating microcirculation around the nerve fibers, which increases blood flow to the nerves and helps to heal and reduce neuropathic pain.

Laser light energy penetrates the skin and stimulates increased oxygen on a cellular level. This increase in microcirculation around the nerve has been shown to help regenerate fibers and help heal peripheral nerves. Cold Laser Therapy is painless and has been proven to decrease neuropathy, decrease inflammation and aide in the healing of wounds and tendons.

Peripheral neuropathy is a frustrating, life impairing condition which is all too often inaccurately diagnosed and only treated with medications. Fortunately, with the recent advances in neurologic treatment technologies, relief is available for many neuropathy sufferers.

Our Therapy is an FDA Cleared Treatment for:


Losing feeling in your hands or feet and sometimes experiencing the pins and needles feeling

Prickling / Tingling

Painful prickling and tingling in the extremities is experienced by some of those with burning and tingling symptoms.

Sharp Electric Pain

Feeling like you are being electricuted, or touching a battery or electric fence. This feeling can be shocking and very uncomfortable.

Burning Pain

The slow burning, and heat feeling that some people get in their hands and feet.

Cramping & Discomfort

Muscle cramping or general discomfort of the joints can happen throughout the body.

Hurts to Walk

Having trouble walking, moving your feet, and being mobile is a very common symptom of chronic pain.

Balance Problems

Feeling off balance, not being able to stand for long periods of time, and just feeling off is a very common symptom.

Diabetic Nerve Pain

Pain caused by diabetes can impact the nerves and cause burning and tingling. This pain can come at any time and last for days, months or more.

Restless Leg

The inability to stop moving your legs or other extremities. Unwanted movement and pain in the legs.


Inflammation and pain in the joints. This can impact almost any part of the body.

This Might Be The Reason You’re In Pain!

The term Peripheral Neuropathy describes a wide range of illnesses involving injury to the peripheral nervous system, which is the body’s extensive communication network connecting the brain and spinal cord to every other area of the body.

The central nervous system (CNS) receives a variety of sensory inputs from peripheral nerves, including messages about the temperature of the foot.

They also transport impulses from the central nervous system to the limbs. The most well-known signals are those that instruct our muscles to contract, which allows us to move. However, other signals also help regulate our heart and blood vessels, digestion, urination, sexual function, bones, and immune system. Peripheral nerves function similarly to the wires that link the various components of a computer or the Internet. Complex functions can come to a complete stop when they malfunction.

There are three ways that neuropathy disrupts nerve signaling:

lack of regularly transmitted signals (like a damaged wire)
improper signaling—akin to static on a phone line—when none should be there.
mistakes that cause the messages being sent to be distorted (like a wavy television picture)
Rarely are symptoms life-threatening, but they can range from moderate to incapacitating. The kind and extent of damage to the nerve fibers, as well as their type, determine the symptoms. Days, weeks, or even years may pass before symptoms appear. Sometimes the symptoms get better on their own and don’t need to be treated further. Peripheral nerve cells proliferate continuously throughout life, in contrast to nerve cells found in the central nervous system.

Could this new breakthrough treatment be the answer you’ve been looking for?

Peripheral neuropathy affects over 20 million Americans, according to estimates, while this number could be much higher because not all patients who exhibit neuropathy symptoms are evaluated for the condition, and existing diagnostic methods do not detect all types of neuropathy. Neuropathy’s wide range of complicated symptoms frequently lead to incorrect diagnoses.

Who We Are, & Why We’re Different!

In Lubbock, Texas, we are Lubbock Integrated Medical Institute. Our patients have a significant edge in returning to active, normal lifestyles thanks to our in-depth expertise, distinctive approach, and highly specialized medicines.

The best possible treatment for neuropathy and nerve damage is a combination of various more natural methods that we employ. Avoid pain  for good is a multifaceted issue that involves more than just utilizing the best technologies available.

Your Patient Journey

Where Other Treatment Approaches Fail, Our Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Treatment Succeeds

Exam and In-Depth Consultation with Dr. Steve

Report of Findings

In-Office Treatment and At-Home Treatment Options

Our Programs are:

You Can Avoid Pain, Live a Great Life As You Should!


Simple, Easy Procedures


Leading Cutting Edge Options


We’ll take whatever steps necessary to get you back to your optimal health


Many people have successfully avoided surgery after beginning therapy with us

And More…

Dr. Steve Van Osdale